This past weekend, I spent my entire Saturday shopping and wrapping presents. Jeff hates doing this because he doesn’t see a point in wrapping something someone is going to rip open anyway but I absolutely love thinking about what to get people and wrapping it! I think the wrapping and having the recipient tear open the wrapping is as much part of the gift as the present itself! (Comment if you agree!)

Because I had so much fun putting together ideas for what to get our friends, I decided to write this post to help people that, like Jeff, don’t want to spend an entire weekend thinking about what to buy certain friends.

Gifts for the Coffee Connoisseur
In my opinion, the best gift to get any type of food connoisseur is the actual product rather than a gadget. I find that for coffee connoisseurs, they much prefer a pack of locally roasted coffee over a $15 coffee grinder or travel mug. This is because when shopping for connoisseurs and enthusiasts, these type of people normally already have their ideal set up. Whether it be a chemex or an Areopress, coffee geeks will mostly likely already own their preferred way of brewing.
1) Parachute Coffee (Coffee Subscription)
2) Reunion Island Holiday Blend 2018
3) A Gooseneck Kettle

Gifts for the Whisky Enthusiast
Each year, the Toronto Whisky Society puts together a fantastic whisky gift guide for your favorite whisky nerd. Categorized into “Accessories”, “Canadian Whiskies”, “Scotch”, “Bourbon” and “Irish Whiskey”, this comprehensive list has gifts in all price ranges and for all types of whisky (whiskey) nerds. Here are my top 3 picks from the Toronto Whisky Society Gift Guide:
1) Glencairn Glasses
2) Bitters
3) Gooderham & Worts 11 Souls

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